Friday, May 09, 2008

Unicycle Guy Strikes Again

Hey, remember the Purdue unicycle guy I mentioned in my RAGBRAI post? He was wearing a Purdue Cycling Team jersey that day, and I yelled out "Hey! Purdue guy!" startling him to the point where he almost fell over. We talked a little bit about how tough it was to ride a single speed unicycle for 70 miles a day, and I offered to buy him supper than night. However, we never ran across each other again.

Anyway, today I was walking out of my office building when I saw a guy on a single speed with another tied to his back. I made a stupid joke about having a spare, and he said he was on his way to some bike event and he thought someone else may need a bike. Then, he said he was used to having people talk to him since he usually rides a unicycle. That's when I recognized him. I said "I talked to you in Iowa", and he answered "Right". Although, I'm guessing he talked with a lot of people that week, and it's unlikely he remembered me.

I wonder if it's him in this photo as well.


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