Saturday, November 17, 2007


I was reading the campus paper yesterday, and I saw an article in the back near the classifieds announcing a Cyclocross race to be held today at Fort Ouiotenon - just a mile from my house!

I rode over just before 1:00, and watched the riders warm up on the track until the race started at 1:30. Now, it seems that I need to learn the rules of the sport. I asked a spectator (one of probably 25) who is a member of the Purdue Cycling Team how many laps they will ride. He said that it is a timed race of 45 minutes, and the next one would be an hour. How does it end? How is the finish order determined? I'll do some research before the next one.

... which is tomorrow. The article also mentioned a race today on campus (I forget where). If I can fit it in between work and the Purdue Symphonic Band concert, I may stop by.

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Purdue Cyclocross

Miles Ridden: 3.1 (I took the long way)


Blogger Revrunner said...

Thanks for the pics. I've never seen a cyclocross meet.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

It's my first. Since the route was so long, it was tough to tell who was leading. Luckily, the serpentine layout allowed for viewing multiple turns from a single vantage point.

7:17 PM  

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