Thursday, August 23, 2007

Salt Lake City

Nifty Bike Rack
Nifty Bike Rack

I spent most of this week in Salt Lake City at a conference. I had no bike with me, which is too bad, because those flat, wide, empty streets were calling me. The morning rides on the world's most uncomfortable exer-cycles in the hotel health club did not satisfy my cycling jones.

Salt Lake City Transit is Bike Friendly

Looks like the light rail in Salt Lake, UTA TRAX, encourages multi-modal transport. Pretty cool. Had I procured a bike while in Utah, I could have taken the train to a different part of town for variety.

I didn't have any time to ride anyway, with the conference being an 8am to 8pm kind of thing, yet I'm hoping that sometime I'll be able to have a bike along again as I did on this trip to Madison a couple of years ago.

I took a quick ride this morning before work so that I could remember what a real bicycle ride was like.

Miles Ridden: 9.9


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