Monday, August 06, 2007

Early Morning at the Stadium

It's only six weeks since the summer solstice, but with DST in effect, it's dark! (I promise that I'll quite complaining about DST in Indiana someday) For most of my hour, it was headlight required.

Cycling in the Stadium

While riding the River Road/Campus Route, I found the stadium gates open, so I went on a quick self-guided tour. Through the magic of long exposure photography, it looks as if it wasn't dark at all. (Not quite as dramatic as I thought it would be.)

Miles Ridden: 10.0


Blogger Apertome said...

It can be really hard to strike a balance between capturing an image and capturing it as you see it. I either end up with a mostly-black frame, or an image that's too bright, almost like daylight. If you're using an automatic setting on your camera, it probably tries to expose to an average 18% grey (normal light conditions). If you can override it manually, it's worth a shot.

3:21 PM  

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