Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Celebrating my Funkiness

This is my third day of vacation, but it is the first where I have truly been able to relax (day 1: root canal, day 2: at work most of the day). So, what do I do? I ride!

I had some errands to run, so I grabbed the commuter bike, threw on normal clothes (no spandex), and hit the road. I went to the Clarion Arnett clinic in West Lafayette (twice), Purdue's Stewart Center (twice), Walgreens in Lafayette, and the WL Game Stop. (I picked up Resident Evil IV on the WII for my son. I had to show my ID once when I ordered it, and again when I picked it up. It must be pretty nasty.)

Speaking of nasty, after the first ride, I was due for a shower, but instead I waited until after the afternoon trip. I decided to celebrate my funkiness instead of worrying about it.

Mural in Stewart Center
Mural in Stewart Center at Purdue

No Bike Rack at Clarion Arnett  Clinic
No Bike Rack at Clarion Arnett Clinic

Tiny Bike for a Big Guy
Check out the Seat Post on this Ride
I know the guy that owns this bike

Horses on Newman Road
Horses on Newman Road

No Bike Rack at Walgreens
Unlike the West Side Location with its Poorly Installed Racks, the Lafayette Walgreens has None

Fountain at Riehle Plaza
The Fountain at Riehle Plaza

The only errand I couldn't handle on the bike is the pickup of my shirts at the cleaners. I took the dog along in the car for that trip, and the ladies at the cleaners loved him.

Miles Ridden
Morning Ride: 12.7
Afternoon Ride: 17.9


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