![[Sign: Thur bikes use right lane]](http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dgentry/pics/2005/175_7585.jpg)
Anyway, I solved the problem this time by taking my wife to work the night before. This morning, I tossed the bike in the back of the van, took my son to school, and drove to my wife's workplace. I left the van for her and took the bike downhill to campus. What a great, easy ride to work!. I'll try this again tonight.
Unfortunately, I couldn't record my distance today, since the cyclo-computer seems to have bit the dust. (It may just be a dead battery, but I want to get a new one with more features than my six year old model.) I'll have to measure the distance later and fill in the blanks.
I started near Salisbury and Cumberland in West Lafayette. The route to the office is Salisbury, Grant, Northwestern, North, Andrew, State, Grant to Wood Street. Coming home, I used the North Work Route.
Miles Ridden:
Total This Year:
Ugh what a dumb sign, encouraging cyclists to get cut off by right turning drivers. Good one.
The worst part is, most drivers never see the sign. This has to be one of the worst intersections for bikes in the twin cities (sounds like a contest!). Northbound bike traffic is encouraged to use the center lane, but there is a curb cut labeled "Bike Ramp". I'm not even sure what that is for, except to lead the cyclist onto the sidewalk that ends at the next driveway. I never use it.
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